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  The High Q group of companies have approved IRATA training facilities in Australia, the UK and Japan. The COVID pandemic is likely to significantly disrupt our lives for several months, and I wanted to share some of the different experiences we’re facing around the globe, and the different government advice and conditions that we must meet. Japan were one of the earliest countries to be affected, but they were very quick to advise the population to practice social distancing. Asia has previous experience with dealing with viruses such as SARS, and this experience together with a high level of...

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The COVID pandemic has left us all facing a fast moving, ever changing situation. From 14 day lock downs to Keep Calm and Carry On, it seems that even national governments can’t agree on what should be the response. We at High Q are using the World Health Organisation advice as our starting point to minimise the risk to our candidates and training staff. To that end, here’s what we’ve done, and are now doing: All software (harnesse and, cowstails) are laundered after every course, and helmets soaked in dilute disinfectant. In addition we have now deep cleaned all hardware...

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Number 1 High Q train more IRATA technicians than any other company in Queensland. Number 2 High Q run more frequent courses than any other company in Queensland. Number 3 We have a pass rate of over 90% (analysis of over 300 most recently trained candidates). Number 4 If you don’t pass, you can come back for further training and re-assessment FOR FREE – that is the High Q training guarantee. Our pass rate including re-assessments is 99%. Number 5 High Qs instructors are amongst the most experienced of any IRATA training company on the planet. Number 6 The High...

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We’ve had a great start to 2020 here at our Brisbane IRATA training centre. IRATA Assessor Dan Smith joined us for his Level 3 revalidation, so it’s been a great week of swapping ideas and trying new things.

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We’ve added plenty of additional IRATA training course for 2020 and are running most weeks, though January courses are almost fully booked. February courses start on the following Mondays: 3rd of February 17th of February 24th of February No need to worry about the heat as our air conditioned training area will help you to keep your cool 🙂

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